Professional Family Child
Care Alliance of Georgia
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
The PFCCAG board of directors is composed of Georgia citizens dedicated to supporting the organizations vision and mission. They willingly give their time and expertise to help the association keep its promise to the community. The board of directors includes both active and retired family child care business owners, representatives of various organizations invested in Georgia’s early childhood education system, as well as others passionate about the association’s mission.
The board of PFCCAG is responsible for the vision, mission and values that guide the organization. PFCCAG board members are deeply involved in not just leading, but rolling up their sleeves and getting the work done.
As part of our ongoing board development, the PFCCAG board of directors meet for our first post-pandemic retreat on January 7, 2023. You can see the pictures from that great event here.