Professional Family Child
Care Alliance of Georgia

Who We Are
Our Vision: The Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia envisions a future where family child care is central to a foundational system of high quality, affordable child care, where providers are valued as professional educators and adequately compensated.
Our Mission: To create a solid foundation so all Georgia’s children are nurtured and educated to become happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed. We join all stakeholders to enhance the professionalism of family child care providers and create an environment that allows the profession to thrive.
Our Motto: Dedicate ~ Educate ~ Appreciate
Our Slogan: We are the VOICE of Family Child Care in GA
Our Goals: To advocate for quality child care and early education for all children in Georgia.
Provide on-going quality training, networking opportunities and mentoring of family child care providers to improve the well-being of the children in their care.
Develop and/or support local associations and partners dedicated to improving the quality of child care for all children in Georgia.
Offer family child care provider incentives, benefits and on-going training for professional development, Quality Rating (QR), NAFCC Accreditation and college level credentials in ECE.