Professional Family Child
Care Alliance of Georgia

What is the PFCCAG COVID 19 FCC Crisis Management Team?
The Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia established the COVID 19 FCC Crisis Management (CM) Team on 3/21/20 to:
Organize a single-minded effort to address the COVID 19 Crisis on behalf of Georgia family child care (FCC) providers, “small” child care learning centers, and the families/children they serve.
Help individual FCC providers and the families/children they serve.
Represent PFCCAG members, and other providers, to decision makers needing information, advice, or decisions.
Achieve coordination with government (local, state, national) and partner organizations also addressing the COVID 19 crisis.
It was apparent the CM Team needed to be:
A provider led volunteer effort (51% or more providers or former providers)
A large effort mobilized in rapid order
Organized while unpredictable sometimes chaotic circumstances prevailed
Organized using unfamiliar remote site technology and procedures
Because of, and despite these challenges, the PFCCAG Crisis Management (CM) Team is making progress and the VOICE of family child care is heard wherever it needs to be heard.
The CM Team subscribes to the motto “We know you are doing the best you can under difficult circumstances, and we are doing the best we can too.”
COVID 19 FCC Ultimate Goals Resolution
The Crisis Management Team is committed to helping providers with immediate needs, but is also making a commitment to the future by establishing an “Ultimate Goals” resolution. On 5/29/20, the PFCCAG Board approved a series of goals to advance family child care in Georgia. You can find the Board's resolution here.
Family Child Care (FCC), COVID 19, and Care for School-Age Children in Georgia (new 8/3/20)
On of our most important actions so far, is the survey and report about the rising demand for family child care services as school reopens in the fall of 2020. You can find the report here.
Concerning question #16 from the report, DECAL has a form, Application for Variance or Waiver, for submitting a request. To get a copy of the form, click here. Information on where to submit the request is on the form but in addition, DECAL recently established this e-mail address for submitting variance or waiver requests: .
As a courtesy, PFCCAG recommends any provider applying, notify their individual licensing worker.
How is the PFCCAG Crisis Management Team organized?
The Crisis Management Team is a committee of the PFCCAG Board. There is a small 3 person Crisis Executive Committee (Sandra Ramsey, PFCCAG President, Sandy Byrd, PFCCAG Administrative Advisor, Joe Perreault, PFCCAG Public Policy Chair). Joe Perreault is also Crisis Management Team Chair.
As of 5-2-20, there are about 35 CM Team members who meet at least once a week via webinar. The CM Team is organized into Crisis Management Work Groups (CMWGs). The number and duties of CMWGs will change from time to time but currently there are 8 CMWGs. They are:
National and State Policy Organization
Provider Business Support and Survival
Provider Healthy Operations
Support to Parents, Children, and FCC Providers
There are 2 additional subcommittees, one to support Spanish speaking providers and one to coordinate with local FCC associations.
What is the purpose of a CMWG?
Each CMWG address a major COVID 19 concern facing FCC providers and small centers. Some concerns overlap but CMWGs coordinate through a weekly webinar and other means. Four CMWGs directly benefiting FCC providers and small centers are described here:
Provider Economic Support CMWG. The Provider Economic Support CMWG identifies sources of immediate and ongoing financial relief to FCC providers and small centers. This includes financial relief available to all small businesses, specifically to child care related programs, and to providers and their families, as citizens. This CMWG shares information about these sources in easy to understand language and, when possible, includes instructions and examples of how to apply.
This CMWG keeps track and shares information about:
Federal Legislation re Coronavirus (especially the CARES Act)
Other Federal to State Programs (e.g., Child and Adult Care Food program, Head Start/Early Head Start, Medicaid, Small Business Administration, Unemployment Insurance)
Governor Executive Orders (i.e., effecting FCC open/close and operations)
State Initiatives, Other Than Georgia. (i.e., examples for GA to consider)
Georgia Initiatives to ensure caregiver access Essential Worker Child Care
National/Regional Charity/Foundation/ Employer Dollars
Georgia Charity/Foundation/Employer Dollars
DECAL CMWG. The DECAL CMWG must keep track of the evolving changes in program and policy at DECAL, evaluate their implications for FCC, share implications both down (to all providers) and up to DECAL and advocacy groups, and within the CM Team system including other CMWGs and with CM Team leadership. DECAL because of its mission, multiple programs, and financial strength, is by far, the most important state agency for FCC providers. DECAL, is attempting to conduct some business as usual, place high attention to the medical and business crisis of FCC providers, administer a large amount of money attached to the CARES Act and other federal or state programs, and prepare for whatever become the “new normal” once the current round of crisis subside.
Provider Business Survival. The Provider Business Survival CMWG looks at factors influencing individual and total profession to open, close temporarily, close permanently, or reopen after a period of closure. The CMWG tracks these questions over time until the GA economy returns to normal or a new normal.
Provider Healthy Operations. The Provider Healthy Operations CMWG looks at preventative health best practices related to provider, enrolled children, provider’s family, and provider’s house so entire Team can share with individual providers and use when evaluating state policies and “Essential Worker Child Care” program (s) which are or are being developed. This CMWG also looks supply and equipment medical needs (e.g., PPE, disinfectant, masks, etc.) and tracks supply problems solutions to ensure FCC providers have the supplies they need.
How do I get information from the CM Team that will help my FCC home or small center?
PFCCAG and the CM Team revised the PFCCAG website so it emphasizes COVID 19 information you can use immediately and allows you to ask questions or contribute ideas other providers need to know.
Please check the “COVID 19 Help” page especially the “FAQ “section as it is updated daily.
Use the “News” section to find out late breaking or especially important information.
Use the “Ask us a Question” section to get answers from the CM Team along with comments from other providers.
How does the CM Team serve as the VOICE of family child care during so much uncertainty and confusion?
PFCCAG represented FCC and small centers to DECAL and state advocacy and professional organizations for several years. The CM Team is building on positive contacts with these organizations to coordinate and create partnerships ultimately benefiting FCC providers. Here are a few examples of where the CM Team is involved:
Participates in weekly DECAL update and discussion for stakeholder organizations
Serves on the newly formed Child Care Crisis Roundtable (about 15 organizations)
PFCCAG spokesman quoted in AJC article re Child Care Crisis
FCC provider co-presenter in BCDI-ATL webinar on remaining open
Since the revised PFCCAG website launched on April 18th, we posted information on at least 11 sources of financial assistance for providers.
How can I join or help the CM Team?
We welcome additional members and work them into the CM Team process as time allows. If you would like to be part of the CM Team, please send an e-mail to: