Don't miss the chance to apply for STABLE Round 3 money!
Recently, DECAL announced STABLE Round 3 grants are available to all FCCLH homes. Providers may apply for this special funding beginning March 22, 2021 through April 5, 2021. PFCCAG encourages all eligible providers to apply for STABLE Round 3 grants. We will help you apply and are available to answer any questions you have. Read on to find out more.
During STABLE Round 1 and Round 2, many FCCLH providers did not apply. In fact, for Round 1, --270 eligible FCCLH provider (19.4%) did not apply, for Round 2, --283 eligible FCCLH’s providers (21%) did not apply.
DECAL’s survey research on Round 1 indicates that 29 respondents said they did not know about the STABLE grant in time to apply or did not understand how to apply. If you need help applying, several FCCLH providers have offered to help you apply. You may contact any of the providers below (listed alphabetically by last name) and they will help you complete the application.
Click on the provider below to send them an email and they will happy* to answer your questions about the program and application process:
Or send us an e-mail to
DECAL’s survey research on Round 1 also indicated that 14 respondents said they did not need the funds (were full, parent/CAPS paying to hold space, had other funds to stay open and wanted other programs to receive the help).
Now is the time to make improvements which prevent the disease from spreading in your home. Consider converting your sink, toilet, and paper towels to a touchless system. You might also consider purchasing a portable antimicrobial air purifier or upgrading your heating and air conditioning system, so it kills microbes, including the Coronavirus.