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The Latest News for Georgia's Family Child Care Providers

DECAL Survey Concerning STABLE Grant Sent to All FCCLH Homes


The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) is working with the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government to gather input from licensed early care and learning providers in Georgia regarding their COVID-related needs and experience applying for Short Term Assistance Benefit for Licensed Entities (STABLE) funds. The survey was sent out July 7th to all licensed FCCLH Homes.

The e-mail announcing the survey says “even if you did not apply for STABLE funds, DECAL is interested in knowing why you chose not to apply for STABLE” so that DECAL can understand the impact of COVID-19 on providers.

The survey is confidential; results will be presented as summaries so individual responses cannot be identified.

We understand the survey should be completed by July 24th,

PFCCAG strongly encourages all providers to complete the survey!!

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